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Dental care and awareness in pets (Part 2)  

Caitlynn Reid


Dental Procedures: What are they and how do they benefit my pet? 

Dentals procedures consist of multiple components that help aid us in performing a full oral exam in our patients under anaesthesia. This then helps us provide the best treatment plan. 

These components are the following: 

  • Dental charting: Each tooth is inspected and graded for the severity of gingivitis and calculus build up. We also note down an abnormality we may find e.g. fractured tooth, resorptive lesion etc. This aids us in staging the level of periodontal disease in outpatients. 

  • Dental radiographs: This allows us to see the full image of a tooth from the tip to the root. It helps indicate any deeper abnormalities, for example tooth root abscess, resorptive lesions or curved tooth root etc. 

  • Ultrasonic scaling and cleaning: 

    This allows us to remove plaque and calculus from the surface of each tooth and underneath the gum line.  

  • Tooth extractions: Some teeth may require extraction due to advanced disease/trauma/abnormality. This is necessary in cases where a tooth is already (or has potential) to cause pain or discomfort to the patient. Nerve blocks are administered to aid in the extraction process to reduce pain in our patients on recovery, with additional pain relief to go home with as well. 


If you have any questions about dental care or are concerned that your pet may require a dental procedure, please book in to see one of our nurses for free-of-charge dental check. 

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