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Here are a few ways on how you can start to get ready for firework season, ensuring your pets are happy and 'fear free' at home.

There are a number of measures that you can put in place in preparation for this firework season. 

  • Looking into diffusers or sprays that contain pheromone therapy. These provide reassurance and calming messages on a chemical level to your pet.

    (Cats: Feliway / Dogs: Adaptil)

  • YuCalm supplementation for both dogs and cats to be started at a minimum of 3 weeks prior to any precursors. These supplements contain L-Trytophan & Vit B6 which are the precursors to serotonin.

  • Prepare hiding places at home and getting pets used to using that area by treating them. Cats like elevated dens, such as a shelf, wardrobe top. Dogs like 'dens' and places they can hide in - like a crate. Prepare these areas with blankets for comfort and hiding under and remove any potential hazards. 

  • Ensure that your pets microchip details are all up to date - if you are unsure, please contact the practice and we can scan your pets microchip, if it is not on our record, and clarify with the microchip log system to correlate your details for you.

Keep a look out for more posts on our social media as well as check out our Library on our website for our Fireworks handouts for both cats and dogs.

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