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Caitlynn Reid

National Pet travel-safety day

2nd January

Travelling with your pet whether it is to the Vet or abroad it can be quite stressful. Here are some tips on how to reduce stress for your pet but also some advice on traveling abroad.

How to make a car journey less stressful?

Training your canine companions to get used to smaller journeys first before taking them on long drives helps decrease motion sickness but also trains them to know that a car ride is not 'scary' and there may be a walk or treat at the end of it!

The use of pheromone treatment such as Pet Remedy or Adaptil can help in these scenarios as this helps calm them in moments of stress/anxiety.

Our feline friends need to know they are safe and secure. We all know that when you pull that dusty carrier out they are generally off like a bullet! So make sure you take the carrier out a few days prior to traveling with them, leave it open with treats inside and a fresh towel/blanket. This desensitises them to it and it will allow them to take it to it more easily.

Again, using pheromone treatment in these scenarios can only improve the situation (Feliway/Pet Remedy). When in the car, it would be beneficial to cover their carrier with a towel (even sprayed with pheromone spray) to allow them to feel safe and protected without seeing out.

Here are some useful links to help you in traveling to the Vet with your pet or traveling in general!

What to think about when taking your pet on a 'travel-adventure' outside the UK?

Due to Brexit, the UK no longer issues passports for animals to travel. They will require a Animal Health Certificate (AHC), which is a legal document stating important information relating to the pet's travel, vaccination status etc. – which can only be issued by a ‘Official veterinarian’(OV). 

Depending on your destination, it may mean that you are required to perform further treatment alongside the AHC to make sure your pet is legally allowed to travel to that specific country. Please visit the link below, which will take you to the GOV.UK website where you can search for any specific requirements you might need.


We highly recommend that you research and organise the necessary travel requirements 6-8 weeks prior to your travel date to ensure you have everything needed. 

Please contact the practice if you have any further questions or if you would like to book in for an AHC with one of our vets.


Contact: 01737210011 

WhatsApp: 0447361589771 

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